A platform to integrate testing and modelling within a VVUQ framework
     Topic(s) : Special Sessions

    Co-authors​ :

     Ludovic BARRIERE (FRANCE), Sébastien BOCQUET , Florent GROTTO , Benedicte REINE , Matthias DE LOZZO  

    Abstract :
    Reducing time to market is key to supply the new technological solutions that will tackle the environmental issues. A solution to reduce new products development time and cost is to rely on hybrid test pyramid combining physical tests and numerical simulations. With this objective in mind, a platform called VIMS (Virtual testing Integration platform for decision-Making Support) is being developed to facilitate the integration and usage of testing and modelling capabilities.
    On one hand, tests campaigns can be streamlined through better test selection or revised test design depending on the needs. In the VIMS platform, new methods are implemented to support the selection of tests – and the associated data to be measured – that are the most sensitive to the material properties to be identified. With richly instrumented tests, the number of tests can be reduced further as more data is acquired from each single test. For instance, inherent material variabilities or uncertainties on boundary conditions may be captured with Digital Image Correlation. The VIMS platform ensures experimental data traceability and supports data processing with automated processes that supress time consuming and user’s dependent tasks.
    On the other hand, the failure prediction of composite structures remains challenging. Although the modelling capabilities have considerably improved these last twenty years, a lack of confidence in the models remains. Simulation credibility need to be improved. Verification & Validation (V&V) approaches combined with Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) are developed and integrated into the VIMS platform to enable the assessment of simulation credibility. Frameworks are proposed to describe and integrate a model and capture developer’s knowledge such as limitations or best practices when applying the model to a specific load case. Workflows to calibrate and validate a model are proposed, along with a traceability of the data and methods used at each step. Mathematical approaches to quantify the uncertainties are also proposed. All steps towards virtual testing and generation of design allowable with simulations provide information that are traced, stored and analysed so that the process credibility can be evaluated. In addition, efforts are being made on data visualisation and standardised taxonomy that describes the quantities of interest as they significantly contribute to the decision-making process.
    While generic, the VIMS platform is extended for applications to composite structures with a plug-in integrating composite damage models at coupons and element levels. Many challenges remain such as the efficiency of stochastic analyses, the definition of validation metrics when considering distributions or field data or the management of databases of test data, models and simulation results.