Modelling of disbond growth in co cured composite stiffened panel under compression
     Topic(s) : Material and Structural Behavior - Simulation & Testing

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    Abstract :
    Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) is widely used for the modeling of debond in composites structure. However, the need to capture the cohesive zone is computationally expensive for large scale industrial applications. Therefore, it is important to establish a method for rapid and accurate assessment of the progression of damage.

    In this study, Abaqus software was used and the Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) method was applied to capture the disbond growth in co-cured composite stiffened panel under compression loading. Bi-linear cohesive law is used, defined with three parameters, namely the penalty stiffness, cohesive strength and the fracture toughness. Two different approaches are focussed in this work, to model the onset and propagation of delamination in the structures where no pre-existing defect has been accounted. First, utilises Abaqus implicit, surface to surface contact with penalty enforcement combined with a cohesive surface interaction definition to model the skin and stiffener interface. Secondly, cohesive elements are included to simulate debonding, where an user defined Abaqus implicit CZM UMAT [1-3] is used to study debonding growth comparatively.

    The modeling and simulation methodology is validated using the experimental data at coupon level. The same modeling and simulation methodology is then used at the next scale, where a multifidelity modeling and simulation approach is explored. The effects of two different interface modeling techniques on the prediction of onset and propagation of delamination at component level are disclosed.

    Overall, the proposed modeling and simulation methodology resulted in good correlation with the experimental results. This work proposes a strategy to conduct non-linear two-scale analysis in an efficient way by identifying the optimum modelling and simulation methodology while finding a balance between accuracy, computational time and numerical stability.

    [1] Turon, A., Camanho, P. P., Costa, J., & Renart, J. (2010). Accurate simulation of delamination growth under mixed-mode loading using cohesive elements: Definition of interlaminar strengths and elastic stiffness. Composite structures, 92(8), 1857-1864.

    [2]Turon, A., González, E. V., Sarrado, C., Guillamet, G., & Maimí, P. (2018). Accurate simulation of delamination under mixed-mode loading using a cohesive model with a mode-dependent penalty stiffness. Composite Structures, 184, 506-511.

    [3] Turon, A., Camanho, P. P., Soto, A., & González, E. V. (2018). Analysis of Delamination Damage in Composite Structures Using Cohesive Elements. Ed. P. W.R. Beaumont, C. H. Zweben, Comprehensive Composite Materials II, Elsevier, 2018, Pages 136-156.