Multi feature consequences of morphological defects on the properties of a composite made by Nature, flax fibres .
     Topic(s) : Special Sessions

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    Abstract :
    Individual flax fibre reveals a multi-components structure that can be described as a complex composite material. They are made of three different cell wall layers (S1, S2-G, S3-Gn), S2 driving the fibre properties due to its large size. This layer consists of a spiral of highly crystalline cellulose fibrils in a matrix of amorphous hemicelluloses and pectins and can be considered a composite material in its own right (Bourmaud et al., 2013). S2 microfibrils are oriented at 3-7°, but can be misoriented in area of defects, where the MFA can reach up to 35-40° (Melelli et al., 2020). These structural defects of the fibres, known as "kink-bands", are mainly generated by the flax fibre extraction processes (scutching and combing). They are often associated with a reduction in the mechanical properties of fibres and fibre-reinforced materials (Richely et al., 2022). In this study, we therefore aim to understand the complex role of kink-bands on the properties of individual flax fibres.

    Microtomographic analysis, carried out on fibres of the same variety but which have not undergone the same extraction intensity, revealed that kink-bands are areas of high porosity. Figure 1 shows the differences between kink-bands of uncombed and combed flax fibres. One can notice differences in porosity between the two samples, pores being concentrated in kink-bands regions in the case of combed flax (Morgillo et al., 2023) (Fig 1.F).

    Defect zones have therefore a very specific structure which has consequences at several levels. Beyong the MFA deviations, kink-bands have a direct influence on the properties of the cellulose. Indeed, after analysing flax fibres with different kink-bands contents, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis show that fibres with a higher kink-bands content have a lower crystallinity than fibres with fewer defects. Moreover, dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) testing demonstrates that for high relative humidity, flax fibres with a high kink-band content are able to absorb more water. According to our results, kink-bands regions are therefore more amorphous and porous areas, which create entry zones for water, but also lead to a reduction in mechanical properties. A multi-scale statistical study was carried out on 96 elementary flax fibres of the Felice (2021) variety. We demonstrated that kink-bands have a direct impact on mechanical properties, in particular, fibres with a low-size kink-bands have a higher tensile strength and modulus than fibres with large kink-bands (Fig. 2). Finally, intensely combed fibres exhibit a type I linear elastic behaviour, demonstrating a significant change in behaviour compared to the uncombed batch, attributed to local reorientation and pre-stretching.

    In conclusion, kink-bands are complex defects elements, affecting the properties of the fibre at different scales, which it is important to understand in order to improve the biocomposites of tomorrow.