Application of second-order multi-scale modelling to composite components with delamination, fibre and matrix damage
     Topic(s) : Special Sessions

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    Abstract :
    Fibre-reinforced laminates contain intricate internal architectures, and their anisotropic and non-linear behaviour has to be explored over several length scales. Computational homogenisation allows for numerically efficient multi-scale simulation compared to full-scale, high-fidelity models.
    A numerical toolbox is currently in development for predicting progressive damage and delamination in composite laminates. This innovative approach employs a second-order multi-scale methodology, where the structural level is represented by shell elements, and the local in-and-out-of-plane behaviour is modelled using 3D solid Representative Volume Elements (RVEs). Notably, this approach facilitates the modelling of 3D failure modes, including delamination, using shell elements in a commercial finite element solver (Abaqus).
    In contrast to first-order homogenisation, second-order homogenisation transfers strain gradients from the macro-scale level to the meso-scale model. Force and moment resultants computed at the lower scale level are then transferred back to the macro-scale, considering the material characteristic length. This accommodates higher-order deformation modes such as bending and transverse shear, the size effect of heterogeneities and strain localisations.
    The progressive damage model at the ply-level incorporates an implicit continuum damage user material model which allows for matrix cracking and fibre failure. The interfaces between plies utilise an implicit cohesive zone material model that accounts for damage and bilinear softening which can simulate delamination.
    The primary objective of this framework is to build a pipeline that automatically creates the multi-scale shell model from a generic set of inputs, to enable users to simulate larger and more complex components. The user starts by building the FE model in Abaqus CAE. With additional material data and RVE parameters, this framework automatically creates the multi-scale model, which is then executed in Abaqus. Delamination, fibre, and matrix damage can be visualized at both macro and meso-scales.
    A recent addition to the framework introduces the capability to model artificially inserted delaminations (to simulate defects). Users specify the ply interface of the delamination, as well as the geometry and the location of the delamination relative to the macro-scale model's geometry.
    The composite part used in this study is a 420mm long c-section spar made from IM7/8552, featuring a centrally narrowed section that creates a ramped and tapered recessive region in the middle. An artificial delamination is induced by inserting a thin metallic shim between specified plies. Results from the multi-scale model that contains the delamination and the model without the delamination are analysed and compared.