Biomaterials to bio-composites : What can be the translation from material science to health science
    Plenary Lecture

    Wednesday 3 July 2024
      8:30 am -  9:15 am

    Room 2000 

     Chair(s) :

    Frederic JACQUEMIN (FRANCE ) 

    Pr Pierre WEISS (Nantes University, France)

    Composite materials combine in a single mass materials that differ in terms of their chemical nature and, in some cases, their geometric appearance, in order to achieve a summation of performance in terms of expected physical, mechanical or chemical resistance. In health, what about the biological properties ?
    Indeed, in bioactive medical devices, if we combine materials, some of which provide mechanical or rheological properties and others bioactivity as a support for cells, for example, we are typically in the field of composite materials. In the field of bone regenerative medicine, we have numerous strategies for combining materials of different kinds in the same volume, in order to obtain a sum of the properties of each, as is the case with bone tissue, which is a natural composite material of reference. This conference will offer a vision of this field of application of bio-active composites for the skeleton in order to broaden the vision of composite materials to health and its 4R medicine: repair, replace, regenerate and reprogram.

      8:30 am 
    Biomaterials to bio-composites : What can be the translation from material science to health science
    Pierre WEISS ()  
    Topic(s)​ :