Multiscale composite modelling for aircraft engines
    Plenary Lecture

    Thursday 4 July 2024
      8:30 am -  9:15 am

    Room 2000 

     Chair(s) :

    Frederic LAURIN (FRANCE ) 

    Florent BOUILLON (Safran Ceramics, France), Nicolas FELD (Safran Transmission Systems, France), Julien SCHNEIDER-DIE-GROSS (Safran Aircraft Engines, France)

    Achieving record-low environmental footprint for a new generation of aircraft engines calls for more composite materials than ever. Combined with an accelerated design schedule, these developments also rely on an increased usage of numerical simulation. The approach chosen by Safran rests heavily on multiscale modeling, i.e. establishing bridges from the elementary constituents of the material to full components. This presentation will focus on three key points of the approach. Firstly, mesoscale modelling requires dedicated numerical tools to acquire and preprocess the material topology, identify the constituents’ properties, and simulate the numerical response thereof. Then, this knowledge allows building ad hoc component-scale models through a reasoned selection of key constitutive parameters and validation with experimental measurements. Finally, extending the design limits of current models and practices requires the development of new multiscale methods, particularly regarding the verification of such models using adapted error metrics.

      8:30 am 
    Multiscale composite modelling for aircraft engines
    Florent BOUILLON (FRANCE ), Nicolas FELD (Safran Transmission Systems, France) , Julien SCHNEIDER-DIE-GROSS (Safran Aircraft Engines,  
    Topic(s)​ :